Adopt Rottweiler Dogs in Ohio
25-03-22-00112D134Zeus (m)(male)RottweilerGreene County, Dayton, OHID: 25-03-22-00112
25-03-19-00250D134CANDY (f)(female)Rottweiler mixGuernsey County, cambridge, OHID: 095-25

CANDY Rottweiler mix female, not spayed 4 years old and 75 pounds Candy is a great dog. She has been on a roller
Read more »25-02-22-00298D134Violet (f)(female)RottweilerUnion County, Marysville, OHID: 25-02-22-00298

Meet Violet, affectionately known as Bibby. My stunning 6-year-old Rottweiler is about 80 pounds of pure love and
Read more »25-02-22-00258D122Delilah (f)(female)Pit Bull mixButler County, Trenton, OHID: 25-02-22-00258

Delilah is a loving dog who can be high energy but can also snuggle and sleep all day if that's what you want to do
Read more »25-02-04-00036D134Buster (m)(male)Rottweiler mixAshland County, Polk, OHID: 25-02-04-00036

Hi there! My name is Buster and I am a very good boy who is eager to find my forever home. No one quite knows my
Read more »25-02-04-00035D134Chase (m)(male)RottweilerAshland County, Polk, OHID: 25-02-04-00035

Meet Chase, a handsome 2-year-old Rottweiler with a heart full of love and energy to spare! ��%90%BE Known for his
Read more »25-02-03-00345D134Kitty (f)(female)RottweilerBelmont County, Saint Clairsville, OHID: 25-02-03-00345

Kitty has always been a very good girl. She loves treats and pets. In the last year she has started attacking our
Read more »25-01-30-00089D122dax (m)(male)Pit Bull mixClark County, Springfield, OHID: 25-01-30-00089

he's a high strung puppy that is just too much for my ailing husband. I work and can't be home with him all day.
Read more »25-01-27-00029D134Thomas (m)(male)RottweilerCarroll County, Malvern, OHID: 25-01-27-00029

So I have had my man here posted a few different places we rescued him from a puppy mill out on an Amish farm,
Read more »24-12-13-00189D134Shadow (m)(male)Rottweiler mixHamilton County, Cincinnati, OHID: 0056673087

Shadow is a 5-year-old Cane Corso mixed with a Rottweiler. He is your typical Cane Corso that wants to protect
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Click on a number to view those needing rescue in that state.